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What He's
Orig Key: Db | New Key:

Title: What He's Done

Key: Db


Tempo: 71

>{ccli_license: 974362}

>{ccli: 7189257}

Verse 1

Db                 Dbsus   Db
See on the hill of Calva - ry
          Ab(4)    Bbm   Gb           Db         Gb/Db
My Savior bled for me my Jesus set me  free      
Db                      Dbsus   Db
Look at the wounds that give me life
              Ab(4)    Bbm     Gb            Db
Grace flowing from His side no greater sacri - fice


          Db        Bbm7      Absus
What He's done      what He's done
        Gb/Ab                      Db
All the glory and the honor to the Son
                  Db/F               Gb2
My sins are for - given my future is Heaven
         Db/Ab  Ab(4)
I praise God    
                   Dbsus   Db  Gb/Db Db
(1.) For what He's done            
(2.) For what He's done (To Ch.)
                   Bbm7    Gb2
(3.) For what He's done     (To Tag)

Verse 2

Db                   Gb2(no3) Db
Sing for the freedom He has won
              Ab(4)    Bbm7     Gb2(no3)        Db   Gb2
Even death is dead and done His life has over - come 
Db                     Gb2(no3) Db
Speak say the Name a - bove all names
           Ab(4)   Bbm7        Gb2(no3)       Db
Over every broken  place He is risen from the grave

Verse 3

Db                 Gb2     Db
Now on a throne of majes - ty
             Ab(4)      Bbm7     Gb2               Db
The Father's will com - plete He reigns in victo - ry
Db/F         Gb2          Db/Ab
Sing halle - lujah to the King
             Ab(4)   Bbm7          Gb2            Db
He is worthy to re - ceive all the worship we can  bring


         Absus  Ab             Dbsus   Db  Dbsus Db
I praise God     for what He's done